Digital Humanities Lab

Adam Rothman (History) · Round 3

I think that the census of digital humanities activities on campus will be the first step towards better sharing of knowledge and collaboration among faculty, which will be the foundation of a sustainable digital humanities network at Georgetown.

Adam Rothman

Adam Rothman's ITEL project goal is to establish a sustainable Digital Humanities Lab (DHL) at Georgetown. The DHL aims to support humanities faculty in designing and implementing Digital Research Projects and to encourage students to learn how to use digital tools for the analysis and representation of data commonly used in the disciplines of the humanities, particularly History and English. Digital Research Projects are projects that require students to use digital tools to analyze and display information, from mapping historical data to curating online exhibits of visual material.

Such projects often lend themselves well to collaborative "crowdsourced" work. If these Digital Research Projects are successful, they can provide models of active, collaborative learning that can be replicated and infused throughout the curriculum in the humanities disciplines, with transformative effects on student learning.

The project began in Fall 2014 with Rothman creating a database of twenty-five digital humanities centers at other universities and colleges around the United States. He is currently working on a census of digital humanities activities on the Georgetown campus and developing a proposal for a sustainable action plan to promote and expand digital humanities at Georgetown. To do so, he is assessing existing faculty and institutional resources at Georgetown to determine which faculty and departments in the humanities disciplines are currently engaged in digital humanities scholarship and teaching, and what kinds of activities they are engaged in.