Improving Computer Science I

Clay Shields (Computer Science), Mark Maloof (Computer Science) · Round 1

Computer Science 1 (CS1) is the introductory course in the CS discipline. The course has been historically successful based on significant TA and instructor effort, but it must accommodate an ever-increasing enrollment due to rapidly increasing demand. This project sought to improve the teaching of Computer Science 1 and allow expansion of the number of students in the course by integrating technologies in a variety of ways. Principal Investigators Clay Shields and Mark Maloof proposed to develop and implement technologies to present material to students outside of class and to enable students to practice and get automated feedback on new concepts. This would free up more classroom time for helping students with class projects and difficult concepts. Unfortunately, curriculum changes led the majority of this project to be put on hold as the department changed computer language used in instruction. Shields and Maloof ultimately decided to post videos online of teaching modules and screen captures of each lecture.

We have found that adding interactive and experiential material to the classroom helps learning and increases student satisfaction.

Clay Shields & Mark Maloof

In the News

"Flipping the Classroom" (page 10) in Issue 3 of The Prospect

"ITEL Project Showcase" (page 5) in Issue 4 of The Prospect