Integrating Writing & Disciplinary Thinking
This cohort considers how departments and programs can use new technology to integrate writing instruction into the major. As departments develop their Integrated Writing plans, technology-based strategies can help faculty balance the demands of teaching content and writing.
Cohort Facilitators
Sherry Linkon, Maggie DebeliusCohort Members
Huaping Lu-Adler, Philosophy | Fall 2014
"What Makes Peer Review Effective" -
Maggie Debelius, | Fall 2014
Monica Arruda de Almeida, Center for Latin American Studies | Fall 2014
"Latin American Economic Development" -
Monica Maxwell-Paegle, Center for Language Education and Development | Fall 2014
"Visualization of Literary Works as a Springboard to Writing" -
Sherry Linkon, | Fall 2014
Soyica Colbert, Performing Arts | Fall 2014
"Enhancing the Revision Process"